Ready to Transform Leadership and Thrive in Uncertainty?

Imagine easily balancing empathy and accountability, confidently handling the challenges of technology and climate change, and successfully bringing your unique ideas to life. Take the first step toward becoming the leader you’ve always wanted to be.

I want this!

Are You?

  • Feeling like your leadership skills are inadequate for dealing creatively with today's complexity and uncertainty?
  • Wanting to remain relevant and up-to-date in your field?
  • Overwhelmed and sometimes physically drained by the number of decisions you have to make daily?
  • Searching for new ways of thinking and being that can help you solve the problems you and your team are facing?
  • Tired of the negative self-talk, feeling like something is missing, that you should be happier, yet don't know what, if anything, you can do about it?
  • Trying everything (meditation, exercise, eating well, podcasts, audiobooks, coaching) to reduce stress and create new positive habits but keep falling short?
  • Wishing to transform past experiences into superpowers, rich in lessons, opportunities, and aha moments, but finding it hard to stay consistently hopeful and take constructive actions?

Imagine If....

You find the perfect balance between holding your team accountable and being empathetic, ensuring their well-being and boosting their productivity.

You effortlessly bring your unique ideas to life, successfully creating, launching, and growing projects alongside your other responsibilities.

You discover and build a supportive tribe, strengthening your current community and forming meaningful, fulfilling relationships.

You let awareness lead your life, experiencing each moment with kindness and excitement regardless of external circumstances.

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Master change and uncertainty

In this era of exponential change, we are all struggling to LEAD 

  • Nearly 70% of senior leaders say burnout is affecting their ability to make good decisions (Deloitte 2022)
  •  55% of leaders reported experiencing high or extreme levels of stress (Global data-Positive. Insights Report 2022)
  • AI will put 300 million white-collar positions at risk in the near future  (Goldman Sachs, 2023)
  • Over 50% of professionals will need to reskill by 2025 (BCG 2023 & HBR 2023)


 What if there's another simple, yet powerful way to LEAD and create a life you LOVE

Introducing the Personal Accelerator, where you will learn HOW to ...

Open your Mind

Befriend your thoughts

  • LEAD with a Beginner's Mind 
  • Unlock the doors to creativity and inspiration
  • Deprogram limiting beliefs and vows
  • Rewrite ancestral agreements
  • Learn Systems Thinking
  • Understand and leverage your biases
  • Access The Extended Mind
  • Experience the Human Advantage over AI

Open your Heart

Embrace all of Life

  • LEAD with compassion 
  • Reduce negative stress
  • Master your emotions
  • Build resilience 
  • Approach everything with love and acceptance
  • Tap into the wisdom of the heart
  • Increase vitality and sense of well-being
  • Improve relationships and feel a sense of belonging wherever you go

Open your Will

Live in Flow

  • LEAD through synchronicity 
  • Make effortless conscious decisions
  • Discover how to get unstuck and act with effortless curiosity, and gratitude
  • Leverage technology to enhance your life and relationships and positively impact others and the Earth
  • Mentor and coach others on their leadership journeys
Apply here

I was inspired by the concepts of Open mind, Open heart and Open will from Theory U- Otto Scharmer. I had the privilege of learning from and collaborating with Otto Scharmer from 2012-2016. The content under each component, however, was created from an integration from over a dozen disciplines of ancient teachings, and recent scientific discoveries.

Here are how some individuals from many walks of life have Upgraded their ability to LEAD through the Personal Accelerator


 The Personal Accelerator is a 3-month journey that lets you prototype your Leadership and create a life you LOVE 

Here is what is included:


The Self-Assessment identifies your beginning stage in the Personal Accelerator's three core pillars: Open Mind, Open Heart, and Open Will. It helps you pinpoint areas in your life that matter most, guiding where to focus your energy and time over this 3-month journey

5-Week Live Cohort

We meet for 90 minutes each week for five weeks. Begin transforming your life from DAY 1! With materials to review and key topics to explore, each session equips you with practical tools you can use immediately. This is more than learning; it's about seeing life differently and taking effortless action

7-Week Guided Implementation & Practice

For seven weeks, explore, test, adapt, and learn from the practices and innovations you want to create in your world. You're not alone in this adventure. Through various platforms (apps), Weekly Office Hours, and invigorating Daily Ignite Your Day Sessions, you'll receive the support and inspiration you need to adapt, learn, and thrive

12 Weeks of Office Hours

Join our weekly 60-minute office hours throughout the journey. Connect with me and fellow participants, ask questions, and find that the answers often lie within the questions themselves. It's a space where curiosity sparks insights, and collaboration fuels growth. Come curious!

The Personal Accelerator Guidebook

Unlock the treasure trove of wisdom with access to a beautiful digital Personal Accelerator Guidebook! This elegant guide neatly wraps up the main questions and methodologies with additional sources and resources. It's your creative canvas, a space where contemplation meets creativity, all designed to empower your projects. Dive in, and let your ideas blossom!

1-1 Coaching with me

Each participant is eligible for a 30-minute 1-1 coaching session with me. Participants have the option of scheduling this session throughout the 3-month journey. You can donate your session to another participant if you cannot make it.

Ignite Your Day (20 min)

Kickstart your day with a Daily 20-minute morning meetup. This focused time for breathwork, visualization, and reactivating your commitment is designed to make the best of each day and your life. It's more than a routine; it's a daily ritual that reminds us that being ALIVE is all we need to do. It's an inspiration in every breath

Design the Year Ahead

At the close of our journey, we'll unite in a vibrant, fun-filled four-hour workshop that's brimming with inspiration. Together, we'll reflect on our lessons learned, and with enthusiasm and creativity, we'll design and visualize an exciting year ahead. It's not just a workshop; it's a celebration of growth and possibilities

Personalized Support through Community Platform

Step into the Personal Accelerator's vibrant Community Platform—a bustling hub where learning meets connection. Here, you can swiftly access all the materials, mingle with fellow participants, stay on track with friendly accountability, and get your burning questions answered within 24 hours. 

100% Money Back Guarantee

We are so confident you will love the Personal Accelerator that we offer a 100% Money Back Guarantee to people who show us that they did all the work but still the PA wasn't for them

Apply here

A note from Rosario

I believe we are living in one of the most exciting times in the history of human evolution. A time when we can tap into the power of technological advances, scientific findings, mindfulness, and the best of what it means to be human, to consciously co-create a future that works for everyone.

I feel immensely grateful and honored to have the opportunity to co-create this experience with all of you. We will make it engaging and filled with creativity, laughter, music, and inspiration. It's time to bring Joy into the equation of innovation.

#Togetherwecan consciously write the next chapters of human evolution.

In this new world, you and I make it up as we go along, not because we lack expertise or planning skills, but because that is the nature of reality." 


Margaret Wheatley

What participants say...

Writer & Artist

"Transforming- I feel more
empowered than ever before
in my life. Synchronicity was a concept and now has become a way of living."

VP on Sales

"Rosario provided 100% of her knowledge and skills so that we could use the tools needed to succeed in the design and planning of our deepest dreams."

Graphic Designer

"Inspiring in so many ways. Tools that are easy to use on a daily basis.
something that is not only transformational, it is also pragmatic and easy to adopt."

Imagine a space where age and titles don't matter, where your desire to LEAD, make a mark, innovate, and create a beautiful future is what truly counts 

260+ Participants

The Personal Accelerator was born in late 2016. Until now, we have never formally invested in marketing or advertisement. Participants have learned and applied through word of mouth. We believe the time to offer the PA more widely and broadly has come. The world needs all of us fully ALIVE and  LEADING with an Open Mind, Heart, and Will 

42 Countries 

Our participants come from all regions of the world. Since the PA is an online experience that is recorded, it allows participants to join, no matter the time zone. After six years, we have noticed that people drawn to this experience want to actively shape their life and the world around them. They are curious to learn new things and are willing to be stretched out of their comfort zones

Ages 18-73

Most participants are between 35 and 55 and have "official" leadership positions. However, amazing younger, older creatives, solopreneurs, intrapreneurs, students, and stay-at-home dads have created futures for themselves and others beyond their wildest imaginations. Everyone who joins feels at home in the PA. Every single participant has brought with them priceless contributions

Yes, I want to be part of this community

Participants come from an array of private, public, and non-profit organizations

Give yourself permission to

Apply here COHORT 15

You will notice the difference from Day 1

Here is what to expect week by week


In just one week, you won't merely see life the same way again. You'll understand the profound value of shifting to a Systems View of Life. It's like replacing an old pair of glasses with the James Webb Telescope- it forever changes how you see yourself and the world

 Discover Your Purpose

Remember that spark of enthusiasm for life you once had? By the end of Week 2, you'll rediscover your True Purpose and ignite that passion once more. Many participants describe it as reconnecting with a sense of belonging they'd forgotten they ever had

 Upgrade Operating System

Week 3 is where you dive deep into the coding of your Personal Operating System. Imagine controlling your mental software, consciously choosing what to keep, enhance, or rewire. It's about aligning your internal programming with your goals.


Week 4 is where your dreams start taking shape. You'll learn the art of Rapid-Prototyping and grasp innovation and design-thinking methodologies. It's like having a toolset to construct the future you desire.

Habits, Routines & Rituals

Week 5 focuses on more than just temporary changes. You'll explore neurobiology practices to create lasting habits, rituals, and routines. It's all about sustainable transformation—one breath, step, and simple action at a time.

Allow, Practice & Adjust

By Week 11, you're not just dreaming but being and doing. You've been breathing life into your prototypes, testing what works, making adjustments, and experiencing your new way of being and creating. It's innovation in action, tailored by you.

Design 2024

Come Week 12. You're ready to lay the blueprint for the future. With insights and lessons from the past three months, you'll design new prototypes for the year ahead. It's like having a roadmap for the journey to your dreams.

Stay Connected

And remember, the Personal Accelerator isn't a goodbye; it's a lifelong connection. With our membership, you stay linked with like-minded people worldwide, all committed to shaping the future they want, no matter what's happening outside. It's not just a program; it's a community, a movement, a way of being. Welcome to the future you want to live in!

I want to join!

Apply today for COHORT 15

Welcome to a place of absolute possibility!

Join COHORT 15 and accelerate your ability to create a beautiful future through scientific methods, innovative systems, and mindfulness techniques.

Innovate & Lead From Within

Experience a 3-month, science-based accelerator designed to help you navigate this era of exponential change and innovate your life and the lives of others, no matter what is happening around you.

Why Join COHORT 15?

  • Innovate Your Life: Learn to adapt and thrive in an ever-changing world.
  • Lead Fully Alive: Gain the skills to lead with energy, purpose, and mindfulness.
  • Execute and Improve: Develop the space and ability to create and live the future you desire.

Take this opportunity to transform your potential and lead with confidence and clarity. Join us in COHORT 15 and start your journey toward a fulfilling and impactful life.

What's Included:

  • For the first five weeks, we will meet Live once a week for 90 minutes on MONDAYS  @ 1 p.m. EST
  • During the duration of the program (12 weeks), you have the option to:
    • Meet for 60 minutes for Office Hours once a week-  THURSDAYS @ 1 p.m EST
    • Meet daily for 15-20 minutes to kick-start your day with breathwork and visualization exercises - EVERY WEEKDAY @6:30 a.m EST for the first 6 weeks
  • The program has accompanying videos and resources, including The Personal Accelerator Guidebook
  • Member-only community platform to ask  questions,  exchange ideas, and collaborate
  • One session of 1-1 Coaching Session with me at the end of the Journey
  • 4-Hour LIVE WORKSHOP at the end of the 3-month journey to DESIGN the Year Ahead
  • Lifetime access* to the recordings of your cohort's live sessions, the coaching hours, and Ignite Your Day sessions.
     * As long as the platform where the course is hosted is live.
Apply here

Here are how some individuals from many walks of life have benefited from the Personal Accelerator



We become what we believe



Frequently Asked Questions

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